Spin 360

Tynemedia have created an online system that takes 36 hires photographs (5000x3000 pixels) around an object and uses software to ‘slice’ into 3060 individual ‘tiles’. Using software to playback the images results in the ability to rotate the object through 360 degrees and zoom in to see close detail. The 200MB file is only accessing each tile at any one time resulting in real-time, no-lag viewing of the large file in real time

Video 360

Recent VR and augmented reality projects has created a need to reverse the trend and project a 360-degree video image across 4 large projection screens in order to recreate environments to allow people with disabilities to experience these environments without going there. Tynemedia have developed a system of recording and playback of theses environments as video jukebox of place and venues throughout the world. This will allow less fortunate people to experience these locations as though being there. Applications include stress relief and mental illness therapy.

Tyne Media Video Portfolio